Friday, August 24, 2012

The given ruby environment requires system (RVM::IncompatibleRubyError)

Here's another Passenger error I wanted to share. I had a hard time while searching for this error:
Exception PhusionPassenger::UnknownError in PhusionPassenger::ClassicRails::ApplicationSpawner (The given ruby environment requires system (versus ruby-x.x.x-pxxx) (RVM::IncompatibleRubyError))
It took changing my .rvmrc file from this: this: I believe the error occurred as the result of an RVM update, where some necessary changes were already made, but feel free to comment if this doesn't fix the error for you, and I'll sure I can help. UPDATE: here are a few other things to check if you're still getting errors: 1. You may need to setup some load paths. We just added a file under config called setup_load_paths.rb. Notice that we commented out the unshift at some point. 2. Check that the following lines are in your config/deploy.rb. Again, we later commented out a line due to upgrades. As always, please let me know how this works out for you.

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